The Management Committee

By-laws of the Parents' Association: 

Abroad, parents choose to send their children to school in the French education system whose values they share and to which they contribute financially, which reinforces their sense of belonging and their motivation to take part in the life of the school community.

Parent associations have seen their role extended in many schools under agreement, for which they assume legal and financial responsibility in close collaboration with the management teams.

LFMPA is a school accredited by the AEFE:

  • It is a structure of local private law under an association (ALFMPA in Abuja)

  • The managing body is the parent-teacher association (ALFMPA), with legally recognized statutes at the local level.

  • The managing association administers and manages the school through its board of directors, the vast majority of whose members are elected by the general parents.

  • The Management Committee prepares and implements the annual budget in close cooperation with the principal. The Management Committee is the employer of locally recruited staff and ensures their individual and financial management in all its aspects. It is made up of twelve members elected at the parents at the beginning of the school year. Among them are :

    • 10 parents of students (Volunteers)

    • 1 representative of the administrative and service staff of the school

    •  1 representative of local teaching staff

The President of the Management Committee is also the President of the association. It meets at least once a month or at the request of the President if necessary. The Counsellor for Cooperation and Cultural Action of the French Embassy in Nigeria or his representative, the Principal and the Administrative and Financial Director of the school sit in an advisory capacity on the Management Committee.

Les membres du Comité de gestion avec voix délibératives sont 

  • Mme EFANGA Christiana
  • M. GHORAHEB Chahine
  • M. HADDAD Charbel
  • Mme JACK Onome
  • Mme KHOURY Ivane
  • Mme NWOGU Chinwe Charlene
  • Mme RAGOT Anne
  • Mr. SASSI Azmi
  • M. ZEITOUN Issam

3 Compulsory members
·Monsieur Regnaut (COCAC)
Mr Chassard (Principal)
·Monsieur Kokou (DAF)

Contact :

Minutes of previous committees are available at the Archives.

General Assembly meeting minutes for 19.10.2022

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